VariableDoc is used to store the documentation extracted from 'VariableDeclaration' ast nodes
ClassDoc is used to store the documentation extracted from 'ClassDeclaration' ast nodes. Each ClassDoc instance contains
a collection of MethodOrPropertyDoc
MethodOrPropertyDoc is used to store the documentation extracted from 'ClassPrivateProperty', 'ClassProperty', 'ClassPrivateMethod',
and 'ClassMethod' ast node that are childs of the 'ClassDeclaration' node.
CommentsDoc is used to store the documentation extracted from the leading comments of each ast node. Each VariableDoc, ClassDoc
and MethodOrPropertyDoc contains one CommentsDoc.
TypeDescription is a container used to store types found in the @type, @return and @param tags of the the leading comments.
When all the doc containers are created, the documentation is controlled (when the --validate parameter is present ),
using the DocsValidator class.
And finally, the html files are created from the doc containers: